Marketing Department / Thursday, November 14, 2024 / Categories: Client Enquiries Real Client Enquiry: CYAUSE Audit Services - Template for 1 Company CYAUSE team: Dear Client, It was great chatting with you last week. As promised attached our fee quote for the size of employees in question together with supplementary charges. Once we should obtain the specific number of employees per company we will draft you 2 separate services agreements. The attached agreement will give you a clear indication of our fees and services covered. From experience this is the core model. Any other services you may need we can facilitate so send us a list of services that we have not included and we will add them to the agreement. Once you are ok with the fee quote we can then provide more information about the details of the engagement and processes. We also attach some brochures fyi. I hope the above helps, Wishes for a pleasant week ahead. Client's response: Hello dear CYAUSE team, Thank you so much for the information. We will take a look at the files and get back to you asap. Have a nice day ahead, Best regards, CYAUSE team response: Hi dear Client, I hope you are well and wishes for a great weekend!!!! Just following up on our email / offer to see if you have seen it, any clarifications needed etc. Thank you, Client's response: Hello CYAUSE team, Sorry for the late reply. I couldn't check your proposal in detail until now. I have the following questions: 1. It seems that there is no fee for off-boarding of employees but there is a fee of EUR 75 for de-registration before the authorities. What service is included as a standard (no chargeable) therefore? Is that non-chargeable service referring to the last paycheck calculation? 2. Maternity leave or any other non-routine work is a chargeable service with a fee of EUR 450 per case, right? Does this amount include the registration/deregistration before the authority or this service would be EUR 300 on top of those EUR 450? 3. What is the extra fee for payroll reruns after the payroll cycle has been finalised? 4. In the event we want you to prepare the contract for each employee, for each entity, what would the lump sum be? Thank you for clarifying! Have a nice evening ahead. CYAUSE team response: Hello dear Client, My response below in blue. I have the following questions: 1. It seems that there is no fee for off-boarding of employees but there is a fee of EUR 75 for de-registration before the authorities. What service is included as a standard (no chargeable) therefore? Is that non-chargeable service referring to the last paycheck calculation? Last paychecks are included in the monthly payroll cost. Deregistration from authorities fee is as per agreement, as required per candidate. Each case could be different. 2. Maternity leave or any other non-routine work is a chargeable service with a fee of EUR 450 per case, right? Yes - as these cases require lots of communication and correspondence with government, as well as paperwork they are time consuming. Does this amount include the registration/deregistration before the authority or this service would be EUR 300 on top of those EUR 450? The maternity leave applies to registered persons for social securities and tax. So you hire an employee and needs after some time to go on maternity leave. As this is not common routine payroll work there is the extra fee for this one off task. 3. What is the extra fee for payroll reruns after the payroll cycle has been finalised? Once the payroll is completed, taxes are being paid. There are no re runs as this would create multiple problems in nunerous areas as well as employee remunerations, tax deductions etc. 4. In the event we want you to prepare the contract for each employee, for each entity, what would the lump sum be? We need precise number of employees per company and we will give you our best fee. Best wishes! Print 104 Rate this article: No rating Tags: cyprusemployeescyprus payrollgovernmentauthoritiespayroll processde-registrationpaycheck calculationMaternity leavechargeable servicepayroll rerunspaycheckemployee remunerationstax deductions Please login or register to post comments.